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About us

Fundació Montblanc is a private - cultural and welfare foundation, founded in 1998 by a group of Catalan professionals united by the desire to promote human development with a special emphasis on the protection of children and the youth.

Although its actions are mainly centered in Catalonia, the foundation also dedicates efforts to countries that for various reasons have not yet been able to reach the minimum development that the dignity of its inhabitants deserves.

The foundation's human team consists of a Board of Trustees, which is its governing body ; a small team of professionals who manage the entity; voluntary promoter groups for each of the projects; professionals from various fields who contribute their experience on a voluntary basis; and an increasing number of people who trust in the foundation's work, and who, with their large and small contributions, make possible the projects it carries out.

Our history

Twenty-five years of experiences that motivate us to start new projects


Start of a project to welcome refugees fleeing the war between Russia and Ukraine.


Start of the NOSOTROS educational and coexistence project, which generates audiovisual content for education in values


Consolidation of the EBALE Platform for networking to raise funds in the field of health in the DR of Congo


Start of the organization of Summer Camps and Colonies for entities in the field of leisure time education


Inauguration of ties with the university world and first European exchange programs


Expansion of Cooperation Efforts for Development to various countries


Begining of Cooperation Efforts for Development with support offered in response to the emergency situation in El Salvador due to an earthquake in the country


Completion of the first Cultural Center aimed to provide non-formal education for young people


Initiated colaborative work with youth organizations


First Cultural Center dedicated to youth training


The Foundation was constituted


Board of trustees


Maria Julia Prats Moreno

Vice president

Fernando Gracia Hernando


Concepció Patxot Cardoner


Jordina Corrons Perramón

Antonia M. Fernández Guillén

Beatriz Goena Vives

María Begoña Killoran García

Ignacio Sala Amat

Management Committee


Maria Julia Prats Moreno


Concepció Patxot Cardoner


Jordina Corrons Perramón


Maria Pilar Arregui Holgado

Montblanc Foundation for women promotion

Muntaner 341, Planta 3 - 08021, Barcelona

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