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We want to change the world, build a more just and supportive society. Volunteering is a way of understanding life, an attitude that leads us to understand what our active role is in achieving this transformation. It makes us part of the solution.

The Montblanc Foundation's Volunteer Program outlines the strategic lines and objectives
which we aim to achieve, adapting to the current needs of the elderly and families, and guaranteeing a great human quality to our volunteers.

You can collaborate on a one-off basis, or join a regular volunteer group.

Come work with us!!

  • School Support

  • Staff for Camps
  • Elderly Homes
  • Food Drives
  • Communications
  • Elderly Company


If you cannot donate your time, you can also support our mission by making a monetary contribution. We need your help to make our projects happen.

With what? You can either help our Fundation financially or helping our efforts to kick-start new projects.
Your financial donations have fiscal reductions on the IRPF for individuals and on the I.S. for legal entities. Additionally, we will make sure to keep you updated on our publications, both digital and printed.


Through your company you can help us sponsor our Foundation or any of its projects.


OPTION 1.- Donate to BIZUM from € 0,50



How to donate to an NGO per BIZUM?

OPTION 2.- Other possibilities:

Download our Donation Form and mail it to:

Fundació Montblanc
Muntaner 341, Planta 3
08021 Barcelona

Any donation given to Fundacio Montblanc is subject to fiscal reductions of individuals and legal entities in accordance with the 49/2002 law published on December 23

Fundació Montblanc thanks you for all the help, participation, queries and  services provided that enable our organization to exist and continue to develop projects that help others


Montblanc Foundation for women promotion

Muntaner 341, Planta 3 - 08021, Barcelona

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